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Validate and Deduplicate Addresses
[ {"id":"1", "name":"Ben", "address":"123 Main St", "zip":"12345"}, {"id":"2", "name":"Ben", "address":"123 Main St", "zip":"12345"}, {"id":"3", "name":"Tim", "address":"123 Main St", "zip":"INVALID"}, {"id":"4", "name":"Valid and Unique", "address":"123 Main St", "zip":"12345"} ]
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# valid_name returns true if and only if the object has a non-empty "name" key. def valid_name: has("name") and .name != null and .name != ""; # valid_address returns true if and only if the object has a non-empty "address" # key. def valid_address: has("address") and .address != null and .address != ""; # valid_zip returns true if and only if the object has a "zip" key that is a # 5-digit number or a 5 digit- and 4-digit number concatenated by a hypen # (ZIP+4 format). # # It's possible that some of the allowed zip codes are not truly valid, to # check more strictly we'd need a database of valid zip codes to compare # against. def valid_zip: has("zip") and .zip != null and (.zip | test("^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?$")); # valid returns true if and only if the requirements for each individual field # are met. def valid: valid_name and valid_address and valid_zip; # duplicates groups valid records into sub-arrays, where in each sub-array all # elements have identical name, address, and zip fields. The array is then # flattened to produce a final array of all duplicate records. def duplicates: . | # Ignore invalid records. map(select(valid)) | # Group into arrays of duplicate records. group_by({ name: .name, address: .address, zip: .zip }) | # Select only arrays of >1 element (if there is just a single element, then # there are no duplicates). map(select(length > 1)) | flatten; { invalid: map(select(valid | not)), duplicate: duplicates }
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